Monday, November 16, 2009


Seriously, what constitutes as a date?

According to Webster's dictionary, it's "a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character."

what the fuck is a date & why does it feel like they no longer exist & why don't young people take the time out to go out on them & why does it always have to be "just hanging out"?

i'm done.


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Don't Disturb THIS Groove...

  • Sweet & Sour/Lemon in the Honey- Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band
  • Pretty Brown Eyes- Amerie w/ Trey Songz
  • Sunshower- Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band
  • Shades- Wale w/ Chrisette Michele
  • I Wanna Rock- Snoop Dogg