well then... since the NASTY SOCIETY is on its Chris Brown grind right now (or maybe just Geezy & myself... and Natalia for support), we hit up his CD signing @ Virgin in Times Square earlier today!
we got there around 2 and i must say.... IT WAS BRICK OUT THERE!!!!! with the jacket, scarf, gloves, and earmuffs it STILL wasn't cutting it!
we finally went in around 5 something and everything from there went SUPER FAST.
after waiting hours he finally came down the escalator looking like the fly little boy that he is,lol, with his crew and cute lil pitbull puppy! AW! (i felt ad for the poor dog though, all the shrill yelling.)
i barely even met homeboy. why you ask? WELL!
i was on a mission. a mission to give chris brown geezy's number. (YES. I JUST PUT YOU ON BLAST.) so as the line is moving hella fast because he's not even personalizing the CDs,lol, he's just scribbling his name smiling at the fan and passing it down, scribbling his name smiling at the fan and passing it down, scribbling his name, you get the point... i'm like do i give him the number or not? i'm getting OD NERVOUS and the line is moving wayyy faster than it was before,lol
we're next and i'm like EFF THIS. NOW OR NEVER!!!!
so he's signing my cd DUMB QUICK and i slide him the number and i'm like "here's my friend's number, she shy but she feelin you" he slides it toward himself... and i walked away. never to know what has become of that small piece of paper.
sounds silly but he's not some mega superstar, so i didn't feel dumb doin it.
[it was all just so quick! lol when it was over i was like did i even meet him? lol]
lmao whatever happens, happens! it was fun and we had a nice time, that's all that matters.
i'm not a chris brown fanatic but homeboy did surprise me with some nice r&b tracks on his first album, and i love kiss kiss and wall to wall. PLUS... he isn't hard on the eyes. :)
*sigh* glad we got that out the way though, let's put chris breezy on the back burner for a lil while shall we?
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