Sunday, August 31, 2008

Michael Jackson

For the past... I don't know- MONTH?! I've been listening to a lotttttt of Michael Jackson.

OFF THE WALL is one of my favorite albums EVER.

Quincy Jones is a genius for that.


(Ne-Yo tries, and it's cute... but no.)

Every. Single. Song is a masterpiece. Even SHE'S OUT OF MY LIFE... but I never listen to it. It's too dramatic! With Michael crying at the end... (Real tears, Quincy Jones said. over 8 takes and every time, Michael would break down at the end. Interesting... seeing as how he had yet to experience something similar at the time of the recording.)


I decided to give INVINCIBLE a chance... you know, the one with YOU ROCK MY WORLD on it?

And I must say... BREAK OF DAWN and HEAVEN CAN WAIT are so.... pretty!

HEAVEN CAN WAIT especially, the lyrics are crazy:

Verse 2
Me sitting up in the clouds and you are all alone
The time might come around when you'd be moving on
I'd turn it all around and try to get back down to my baby girl Can't stand
to see nobody kissing, touching her Couldn't take nobody loving you the way
we were What good would Heaven be If the angels come for me I'd tell them no
Tell the angels no, I don't wanna leave my baby alone
I don't want nobody else to hold you
That's a chance I'll take
Baby I'll stay, Heaven can wait
No, if the angels took me from this earth
I would tell them bring me back to her
It's a chance I'll take, maybe I'll stay
Heaven can wait

*dreamy sigh*

This man... If only, if only...




...why is Daddy Yankee a Republican?


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Penelope Cruz (Vicky Christina Barcelona)

3 things.

Vicky Christina Barcelona, Spain... and Penelope Cruz.

My friends and I were TOO hyped to see this movie! The preview showing all this passion and drama set in beautiful Spain had us ready to go.

I assumed it was gonna be like Closer and Matchpoint... but better.

We pretty much thought wrong.




VCB had minor crazy things going on all throughout... and then just ended.


The screen went black and I stared at Michelle wondering why I even left my house that day.

Spain though.... I never had much interest in going to Spain. All I've heard about Spain is the way the natives look down on other Latinos who don't speak CASTILIAN SPANISH, correcting you whenever they feel it necessary. I wouldn't be able to vacation somewhere where they CLEARLY know what I'm saying... BUT FEEL THE NEED TO CORRECT MY PUERTO RICAN SPANISH. Oh no... But! The scenery, the feeling in this movie?! I think I might put up with it. What I'd give to buy a one way to Spain RIGHT NOW. Just be out and come back whenever I feel. Wear my hair wavy, stay barefoot, and just... paint? lol I don't know, something creative. Become a flamenco dancer, change my name to Pilar, and get lost in the crowd. I know. I got carried away... BUT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN 08!!!!!

Aside from Spain becoming my next (fantasy) dream.... PENELOPE CRUZ STOLE THE SHOW.

Before this movie... I seriously didn't see what the big deal was. I didn't even find her so attractive. When she cut her hair I almost died because, to me, that's what made her sexy. I just thought her face was weird. I had never seen her in a movie and I thought the lady from SPANGLISH was what a pretty Penelope would look like. (I still stand by that.) VCB changed my mind though. She was funniest, most complicated, sexiest, beautiful disaster ever.

I mess with Penelope Cruz now. =)



I dreamt last night that I finally came to the conclusion that the music business is too shallow for me.

In the dream I was finally over it, and starting to take the steps toward finding a new career path.

How interesting.

Is this realization inevitable?

Music is my passion... but is the business?

How would I feel bringing a celebrity his Evian water to his trailer- knowing there are parts of the world with NO clean water at all?

I know, that was dramatic... but this is how I feel!

I don't know how to kiss ass, I hate fake people... What will happen to me?

Should I change my major?


I just wanna better the world.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's Been A Long Time... Music Updates.

I know I know, it's been a long time- I shouldn't have left you.

I've been busy working- Friday was my last day and I'm pretty sad, I won't lie.

Also, I'm still waiting for my friends to send me the Rock the Bells pictures.

Oh! Did I tell you guys (all 4 of you) that I went to the Chaka Khan & Musiq Soulchild concert? I'm waiting for those pictures also.

Musiq was just like his music, feel good & chill.

I wasn't ready though... I wasn't ready for Halfcrazy & Teachme. Those songs are ridiculous. Aw, and Justfriends, of course. ( He started with that one, came strong.)

Shit was sweet.... until he did his new song "Radio"... but we've already discussed the tragedy that is that song.


Where do I begin!? The lady is a goddess.

First of all, she looked amazing... Then she had the NERVE to start out with I Feel For You... AND THEN STAY.

Do you people know that Rufus song? STAY? *deep sigh*

She did mad shit, What Cha Gonna Do For Me, Tell Me Somethin' Good, Ain't Nobody, Hollywood, Through the Fire, new shit, Sweet Thang (I DIED), and her encore was.... I'MMMMMM EVERY WOMANNNNN

oh yes, it was a lovely night.

[Pictures later I guess]

In even BETTER news...

I just got my MAXWELL tickets!!!

...where will YOU be? Because I will be scheming my way into Maxwell's.. pants? LOL no no...

All I need is my Janet ticket!



Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Make Em Say Uhhhh...

MASTER P will now like to be called P. MILLER.


PS- i don't give a fuck.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Music Reload

So! Last Monday, so gassed that I still had money left over from my first check, I took my little self on over to Virgin Megastore in Times Square (I MUCH rather go to the one in Union, but... whatever.)

I spent $28 on only 3 CDs... am I the only one left on this planet that STILL finds great joy in purchasing an album?

It was like Christmas, I left with:

A Tribe Called Quest's The Low End Theory.... Rock The Bells was amazing and I'm just upset that I wasn't RAISED on such classic music like this, you know? I've been recently getting up on my Tribe/Q-Tip and I'm tight that when I met Q at the mall prior to his concert with Common and Rock the Bells.... I wasn't aware of exactly who was standing in front of me. Don't get it twisted. I was hyped, I loved what I had of him in my Itunes. It made my day. I couldn't get over how fucking cool he was. Let's just say that if I met him NOW, it would be completely different. Homie, I would BOW. Just my luck to meet someone I like a lot... then fall in love with them AFTER. Oh yes.

Michael Jackson's Off the Wall.... C'mon now.

Chaka Khan's Greatest Hits... I'm going to be seeing her this Tuesday with Musiq and I wanna be ready!




Don't mind my face. He had just made a scene about how much he loved my doorknockers and a part of me died.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I did it.


*round of applause*

details and pictures later



Don't Disturb THIS Groove...

  • Sweet & Sour/Lemon in the Honey- Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band
  • Pretty Brown Eyes- Amerie w/ Trey Songz
  • Sunshower- Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band
  • Shades- Wale w/ Chrisette Michele
  • I Wanna Rock- Snoop Dogg