Right... So I saw this last weekend and it was pretty funny.
Tyler Perry- funny.
You know, simple- "oh no she didn't"- funny.
Was that racist? Damn.
There were a lot of corny moments, but the actual Madea character didn't fail us! Love and wanted to see more of her.
Keisha Knight Pullman did pretty good... Had me really believing she was a dirty prostitute =/
But enough about that...

Homeboy had me squirming in my seat, it wasn't even funny.
I know I'm late on him, but he was never a big deal to me.
Until now.
(First Idris Elba, now this?! Tyler Perry sure knows how to pick them. All he needs to do is cast Laz Alonzo and then I'll officially go ape shit.)
And that was great that he *SPOILER* got with Keisha at the end... Even though it just didn't feel right. This was probably my main issue with the movie. I knew the whole time that they were going to hook up... but it didn't click. It wasn't like Dre and Sidney in "Brown Sugar" where it just made perfect sense when they first kissed. You felt the love with them. You know what, I think I felt like Derek Luke just had her back and cared for her deeply on some brother sister shit. Then he goes and bags her. I wasn't ready- even though I knew it was coming lol
Uh, between Madea and Derek Luke I'd go to a really cheap theater to see this again. One of those guilty pleasures... Plus Mami wants to see it, so yeah lol that works out.
Question is, when will Madea feel played? It's only a matter of time until we all get tired of that gangsta! =/
PS- OMG!!!! I almost forgot!

Tyreek from Sister Sister?! WHAT?! Yo, Tyler Perry is that dude JUST for his casting lol I can't say it enough.
Giving people jobssssssss, I'm so with it.
It gets lame when you see the same people in movies, it's interesting to see completely fresh faces... but to see someone from waaaaaay back in the day that you ALMOST forgot about?! That might be the best.
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