The other day Erykah Badu was talking about writing a letter to herself and then suggested we all do the same.
Of course, I had to participate, thought it was a nice idea.
Really thinking about it though, I think it's rather healthy... You know? To talk to yourself every now and then. Boost your own ego. Worry about YOU. Impress YOU- MOTIVATE YOU, APPRECIATE YOU!!!
...I'm just sayin', you know? We worry so much about others... hello- sometimes we all we got! Fuck the rest.
Here's what i had for my first line:
dear mightyfranso, i know it gets hard, and you wanna quit-but you have no choice but to succeed.
Sounds about right. I would then go on to mention something along the lines of not wasting time on people who don't waste time on me, creating a healthier regime for my daily life, how great it feels to be getting closer to God, fully embracing the fact that i'm the shit and WILL meet some guys worthy of my time eventually, continuing to spend a lot of time with my cousins because that bond is something special... and DAMMIT i'm impressed that i haven't dropped out yet! (Not dropped out- but you know lol)
life is NOT that serious... and you only have one.
PS- get at yourself every once and a while, it's healthy.
♥ this so much
y was I thinking of Katt Wiliams pimp chronicles when I was reading this lol
"how did i fuck up how i feel about YOUUUU, simple bitch?"
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