I mean, you already know May 30th was crazy.
The energy was high and these two men were focused.
They did songs like Definition, Re:Definition (i like that one better), Brown Skin Lady, Astronomy... & finished with Respiration.
& then Talib did some of his own shit like "Get By"
MOS, however, definitely stole the show.
I'm not picking favorites (even though he IS my favorite) but Mos & his funny character, quirky clothes... His lined shined so much brighter.
Don't get it twisted people, Talib got it going on- & in more ways than one.
So yeah, Mos basically shot an arrow through my soul when he did SUNSHINE, THE PANTIES & UMI SAYS. He also did new shit which was amazing, that new shit comes out in 2 days. Goodness gracious.
My only complaint about that night? Waiting 2 hours on foot for them to start. Not cute.
It was a great show, I'm glad I got to experience Hip Hop history right there.
Oh, & we need more Black & intellectual men like these beautiful souls. *Dreamy sigh*
"You know who else is a Black star? Who? ME."
Shoutout to the brother for the amazing pictures as usual. Oh, & for taking me.
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