(Tokyo, Japan 2006)
Everyone's all sad today like there's really a blind baby boy with wings and a bow and arrow who really forgot to shoot them.
I, too am guilty of hating Valentine's Day, but let's clarify. I hated this holiday because of all the cheesy gifts I'd see. Everywhere. All around me. All those annoying ass balloons and cheap-looking stuffed animals. People walking around like they'd never been shown love before! Ugh... this isn't even a real holiday! I consider it a Hallmark Holiday, created just for companies to make money!
On the flip side though, why does it just have to be about your significant other? Why can't we show love to our mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, fathers (i mean, if that's how you roll...), cousins, co-workers, friends (with benefits, i don't judge), children, godchildren, stepchildren, etc etc?!?!? THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE WE LOVE! Wait... WHAT ABOUT OURSELVES? Why can't we pamper ourselves today? Flaunt what the good Lord gave us and laugh at those who've either had their chance OR are sleeping on it. I'm just sayin'.... GET OVER YOURSELF and realize that V-DAY stands for MANY things...
Ever heard of the play, Vagina Monologues?
I took Politics of Sexuality last semester and we had to watch it... what a play- showing the beauty, pain, joy, struggle, and fun of being a WOMAN. From stories about sexual abuse, to finding true love, to embracing the hideous word that is VAGINA... good times. Fortunately, I learned the alternate meaning of V-DAY. It's not just about Cupid and chocolates, ya'll. Today is about women empowerment and the awareness of violence on women. Eve Ensler, the creator of the play has taken it upon herself to try and wake the world up about what is really being done to women these days. This lady has events going on in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa dedicated to anti-violence! A modern day Wonder Woman.
Why are we sitting home all sad that we're alone when we are beautiful regardless of what others say? When women are suffering from greater pains all around us and we should help them however we can?
We need to love ourselves and each other, mi'ja.
The V in V-Day stands for Victory, Valentine, and Vagina.
Please, please, please, check out her lovely website here. Seems like hella events are going down.
So, when you see me looking happy and totally not bothered by Valentine's Day (unless I'm in Times Square and there are just TOO many corny couples in my fucking way) know that I have bigger and better things on my mind- like self-love and the less fortunate women all around me.
And yeah, I'm chillin with a guy today.
But it wouldn't mean shit if I wasn't.
My MOM is my first love.
Have an amazing day.
Happy V-Day,
PS- those are the sweet sounds from my V-Day playlist:
1 comment:
love that Estelle song..."if i wanted to be part-time/ i'd be working at the checkout line..."
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