In unfortunate news today from MTV.com, Dawn Richards from Danity Kane has pretty much stated the inevitable- Danity Kane is no longer.
Now, if you watch MTV a lot (such as myself) you've been seeing these HELLA DRAMATIC commercials for Making the Band wondering to yourself, "What are these girls gonna do?!"
I do the exact same thing... and it's SO obvious that Diddy just doesn't give a fuck.
If you wanna get dramatic, Diddy hasn't given a fuck since he had to- when he was on the grind and music was his only source of income, before he himself became a brand!
But back to Danity Kane... None of this mess would've happened had he cared for the girlies and kept them busy!!!!!!!!!!! It's almost as if they were constantly sitting around waiting to see if they were gonna get a next single- leaving them with a little too much freedom. I don't know, I'm just saying.
If you're a DK fan, you know that both albums had tons of potential, several possible Top 10 hits- Why only 2 singles per album? And then so dragged out. I'm no Diddy, but I know that if you got something good then you should milk it! Don't have Making the Band on overload and then... leave us hanging when it comes to TV performances and videos!
(Aubrey... you didn't make the situation any better. I see you over there. Taking fresh pictures like it's going out of style.)
I wish Dawn and Aundrea all the best because I do believe that they're very talented... I just don't know if anyone cares.
This isn't me trying to be mean... I'm serious, it's hard out there. To stay relevant, you know?
*sigh* Sad to say that there isn't more from where that came from. It was a fun, what? 4 years?
And to celebrate what is no longer....
My Top 5 Danity Kane Song List:
5) Striptease "I got a proposition if you want it, dare you to let me run some game on ya..."
4) Right Now "So I can't love you! Like I want to! We just can't do it! I's taking everything in me!"
3) Press Pause "Nowhere to rewind! Wish we had more time!"
2) Ooh Aah "Meant when I said it, you're gonna get it, loved when we did it, wrapped up in it..."
1) Sucka For Love "If you addicted to kissin and huggin, touchin and rubbin, you're a sucka for love..."
Well Geezy! Hang in there!
is anybody listening, can anyone answer my prayers, please say yea
DK definitely needs Jesus.
this is all a hot mess and I was hoping that this was all a publicity stunt but I guess THE JOKES OVER!
*pouring ammaretto sour on both dk albums
We better enjoy DAY26 while we can cuz Diddy comin for that ass cuz that ain't gonnabetogeddaforeva like butta mike says.
We should dress all in black and in silence and listen to DK one..last...time
....why is this a post in itself?
i actually laughed.
i'm jealous of your effortlessness.
lol...I guess it comes out naturally when I am inspired/hurt all at the same time..lol
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